Tobias Schmidt
- 10/2020: Master thesis “Mario Draghi: eight years of reporting on the former ECB President. A German-French comparison using LDA-supported content analysis”
- Since 11/2018: Free-lancing copywriter and concept designer
- 10/2017-10/2020: Studies of Economics and Journalism (M.A.) (TU Dortmund)
- 10/2016-02/201: Student assistant (tutor) at the chair for marketing for the field of market research (TU Dortmund)
- 07/2016: Bachelor thesis “Acceptance and security risks of wearable technologies within the internet of tings”
- 06/2015-06/2016: Student assistant at the chair of service management (Fernuniversität Hagen)
- 10/2012-07/2016: Studies of Economics (B. Sc.) (TU Dortmund)
- Internships at taz (department: ecology and economy) and Handelsblatt (department: investigative research)
Further information about Tobias Schmidt